One of my favorite past times would be walking my garden at sunrise. It's a delicious, evocative way to wake up....and something I'm quite missing this summer...tho my outfitted deck is somewhat making up for it ; ). This is the raised herb garden I put in last summer over on our land....
I was extremely pleased with all my fragrant herbs that really took off...especially the basil !! Along with marjoram, thyme, Italian parsley, chives, shallots, rosemary, dill, mint, and a few dwarf phlox for some color...
Since we were attempting the whole back-to-basics, going green, livin'-off-the-land fringe, granola kinda thing last year, this blue barrel is how I watered my herb garden part of the time. We emptied the gray water from our outdoor washing machine into the barrel, then my husband wheeled it over to my garden to let it slowly soak into the bed. I must say my herbs seemed to enjoy this process immensely...and process it was!
The dill, parsley, chives, and shallots
Shallots, basil, rosemary tucked in behind the basil
(not really enough light for the poor rosemary I'm afraid)
The marjoram (smells heavenly!) and sage
And the colorful dwarf phlox
Next I would wander over to the large garden where we built a series of raised beds separated by paths I lined with wood chips. Here we grew tomatoes, various squash varieties, sunflowers, lettuces, green beans, banana peppers, onions, and leeks. I also planted a few flowers but those were rather delayed in their blooming. And yes, that's the porch swing in the background that my husband assembled from poplar and cedar logs. I would eventually plop myself there....soak in the bird song....and sip my coffee. Ahhhh!
To be continued....
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