Saturday, July 30, 2011

Picking Raspberries

Last summer on our land, the children and I spent warm summer months picking the wild berries that grew prolifically along the edge of  our woods. By far my favorite are raspberries. I know...lotsa seeds....but I still love 'em best. They were the first to come in and lasted essentially all summer long. What a treat!

Despite the flying, biting insects and sticky, clinging was always worth the effort. These lasted about as long as it took to hike back up the hill and put them in our bowl of breakfast cereal. In other words, not much of a shelf life. Or the children would jump off their bikes, pop a handful into their mouths...and then off they'd go again. Just one of those sweet and fleeting indulgences! : D


  1. Just catching up with your blog. This post brought back precious memories. Thank you!

  2. and delicious ones! Too bad we couldn't send some home with you! : D


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