Friday, February 24, 2012

More Rails and Pony Stories

I mentioned a few weeks ago that we've started a rustic fence project on our property. My husband has been milling out the rails with his chainsaw mill as we're getting our nice big posts from our neighbor's Farm just down the road from us. Harlow cuts down the trees, saws the posts to 8 ft. lengths, and hauls them out of his woods with the draft horses.  We were able to pick up another load of posts recently and Andrew has now completed these two rows of rails on the second section out in front along the road.

We also now have the first row finished on the 60 ft. round pen in back. Rows 2 and 3 are yet to come. My daughters have begun riding the horses in this pen and it's working great in bringing Babycakes along. I must confess, however, that at one point I mentioned that Baby could probably go under this top railing although everyone else was quite sure that she would never attempt such a thing. Guess what....the pony proved my prediction right again! Heather was riding her around when suddenly Baby took a nose dive straight under the rail....brushing Heather unceremoniously right off her back in the process. 

I do wish that for once Babycakes would prove my naughty premonitions about her wrong, but so far she proves me right every time. Never say 'never' when it comes to naughty ponies! ; D

Thursday, February 23, 2012

WTW Thursday :: Embellishing Woolens

Welcome to WTW (What They Wore) Thursday! These are white mittens and a sweater I found at a thrift store. I loved the soft blue buttons so I decided to embellish the mittens and sweater with little blue flowers to make a matched set for my little niece in Virginia...

I clustered a few on the front sweater panel as well as on the edge of the sleeves....

Then, lastly, I stitched a small white flower on some wool socks for Mama, too! : D

Friday, February 17, 2012

Inspiration Board :: Modern Dogtrot


Okay, imagine this house above with a green metal roof. It would still look alright, wouldn't it? And obviously without the palm trees. I've been searching for ideas for our little to expand, enclose in a porch, perhaps add some dormers. But most of all, I want to get rid of this awful taupe siding. I'm fully aware that taupe siding with green trim is ALL the rage in Maine (at least this part of Maine) but I personally can hardly bear it any longer. I do have to keep some of the green though. So I've been considering white with a wood stain trim (keeping the green roof, of course, and green doors) This house gives me all those features. I'm inspired! 


Thursday, February 16, 2012

WTW Thursday :: Flannel Pantaloons

Welcome to WTW (What They Wore) Thursday! Pantaloons are wonderful for transitioning into Spring...when the girls still want a little something under skirts or dresses. Made with soft flannel (they chose their favorite pattern. The leftover fabric you may recognize here) and trimmed in eyelet, these offer that extra layer of warmth without being as bulky as their full winter wear. I sewed these 'pantaloons' from a pajama pattern with straight legs and elastic waist.

Pretty simple....pretty snuggy....and just plain pretty! : D

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine Pinspiration

Some Valentine inspiration from my Pinterest Board. 
Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day with your favorite Valentine(s)! 


love ring

valentine ring

pillow or sachet


Monday, February 13, 2012

Gladys Gets a Ride

We visited our friends, the Dows, last week and the girls love leading Gladys around, the Dows mini-horse. Isn't she cute?!! She does very well being led around, but hasn't done so well in the getting on riding around department. So when my daughter, Heather, asked if she could go ride Gladys we were a bit skeptical. However, my friend, Heather, said...why not? She doesn't have far to fall! So with that, Heather attempted to ride Gladys....

At first, Gladys refused to stand still...trotting off quickly the minute Heather tried to put her leg over. So Heather calmly patted and talked to her gently. Then she began the process of just putting a leg over, and then taking it off a few times in a row....

Finally after a couple of attempts at getting on, she managed to convince Gladys that everything was just fine. Then to our wondering eyes should appear....Heather sat on Gladys and started riding her around...calm as could be! We were cheering them on...from inside the warmth of the living room, that is.

Heather decided that li'l Heather should now become her new horse trainer! : D

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sure Sign of Spring

Is Spring in the air...or is it just my overly active imagination...otherwise known as wishful thinking? If I close my eyes long enough and sip on some cool sangia....I've almost got myself convinced! The skunk that was out digging around our chicken coop the other night certainly seemed convinced. Granted, that's not the most romantic sign of Spring, but I suppose I'll take whatever I can get. Skunks and raccoons skulking about are sure indication that winter is decidedly over. Spring is in the air! : D

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