Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Bread Pudding

Bread pudding has become somewhat of a Christmas tradition for me. And I love making it in the crock pot with most of the ingredients from Maine....apples, dried cranberries, and eggnog.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Mayhem

I've come to the realization many years ago that for me, Christmas and Holiday time do not always equate to calm, quiet, relaxed time just mellowing out in front of a fireplace. So I've learned to equip myself with one essential prerequisite in order to achieve actual, undisturbed, unabashed, uncompromised relaxation during the Holidays.....

....wear really large blinders upon entering the kitchen. 
And if those don't work, advance to the jumbo-size ++++++! : D 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Day

We aren't actually able to celebrate Christmas until Monday since hubby has to work all day tomorrow. But we're still getting into that Holiday swing today. The stockings are hung, etc. etc. And we have snow! : D

Inspiration Board :: Holidays


Recent Pins from my Holidays Board. Enjoy! Countdown is on...

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