My friend, Denise, has continued to ramp up her efforts in the raised bed garden she put in a year or so ago....with fantastic results. If you haven't already discovered raised beds, you have no idea what you're missing. Seriously! I refuse to go back to any other way of gardening ....totally spoiled now. And Denise refuses as well....especially now that her garden is looking absolutely idyllic! As you shall see. She put in the pebble gravel this year and the cedar bench was a handcrafted gift from a friend in Canada. She struck upon the brilliant notion of setting it at the back of her garden. Once you sit in one of those seats, I can tell ya, there's no getting up again.
She's planted raspberry bushes along one side of the garden and may extend those eventually. And her daughter planted a flower bed in the center that will continue to bring forth blooms late into the summer. Lovely! My favorite feature, though, is the potted geraniums in the wooden buckets. So please excuse me, will you, while I take at least 47 shots of those....
I'm sure everyone can concur that it's impossible to get enough angles of red geraniums in wooden buckets....BUT....I'll practice temperance and stop for now. ; )
So here's the view from the bench seat in the garden. Gorgeous and very regal feeling as you survey the kingdom....homestead Kingdom. And it's a beautiful acreage, too. I'll follow the kiddos out to the barn where the pony, Jessy, hangs out along with her little sidekick, Ebony, the mini-horse....
Their barn is painted the perfect red. When I have a red barn, this will be the red....the one and only other red will do...
Hope you enjoyed strolling Denise's grounds and garden with me today...and hope you're inspired to keep tweaking your own garden get-away. I know I am! : D
Wow Debbie! You made my place look so inviting! I'm looking forward to "playing" it my garden again!!! Love, Denise