Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bin? What Bin?

What's over there? Naaaaaaaah.Where's a large blue ugly plastic bin? Where? I don't see one. No ghastly blue large plastic bins on my deck...

Nope. Just plants and flowers here...

Oh, you mean this is the bunny home?? Wow, I never would've guessed! I thought it was just a lovely deck with flowers and herbs....not a huge, obnoxious-blue plastic crate with bunnies inside it. So it's a bunny-bin! A sweet little bunny home for a couple of sweet baby bunnies...

Our youngest, Asheley is thrilled....can you tell? Our 3 older ones all got bunnies back in 2006. So Asheley really wanted her very own baby bunny....and I promised we'd find her one for her Birthday this Spring. She named her new little bun-bun Dream.

Of course they're all delighted to have a fresh round of baby bunnies at home. Caitlyn and Heather are sharing this baby bunny for now....and named her Blackberry. Actually, we've had some bunny woes lately. We lost Truffles, Heather's bunny, this winter. Heather was heartbroken. 

Then a couple of weeks ago, the other 2 bunnies, Freckles and Gracie, appeared to be rather sick. It seemed as though they were getting better when suddenly Freckles, Caitlyn's bunny, died last week. We've been nursing Gracie, Andrew's bunny, along....more on those details later....and she is doing much better now. 

This leads up to why some new baby bunnies are really special at the moment. So I suppose I'll just have to deal with the bunny-bin for now! ; )


  1. Animals are so much fun when they are babies, we are enjoying our two calves, two piglets and of course the poultry.

  2. Ha! Your 'babies' are ALOT bigger than our babies!! Have fun! : D


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