Great day yesterday for our first auction....that is, first in that we actually sold stuff....and bid on stuff....and of course, bought some stuff, too (but we'll get to that tomorrow!). I'll give ya a hint: a couple of things we got were soft and fuzzy. That's the only hint you get! Tune in tomorrow! : D
It was more busy than usual, too....not that I would know...but people who acted like they knew said it was busier than usual. The kiddos and I got there a little before 9 a.m. and we didn't leave till they finished which was around 7 p.m. It felt like a long, but long. And it was the same auctioneer guy all day long with hardly a break. Unbelievable. I have a new found admiration for auctioneer guys.
I liked the auctioneer. How they talk that fast all day long...and keep up with those guys who twitch a finger and that's their bid, I'll never know. Not me....I'm one of those who flashes the card around like I'm waving down a taxi. That's me. He was quite forgiving with me....who I'm sure made an idiot of myself. Kept flashing my card even though it wasn't my turn....just in case he missed me or something. Yep, that was me.
The children couldn't stay out of the barn, naturally, what with all those baby calves, and goats, and pigs....and then two mini-horses showed up and it was all over. Then even I couldn't stay out of the barn. That's when my husband started sweatin' bullets and was scared to leave me unattended at the auction! He had to go in to work...but called later asking how many horses I'd bought. I told him, "all of 'em."
A yearling paint horse came in after the miniature horses....and a donkey...oh, and a llama and some adorable spotted lambs were there as well. Now this is small time auction here, so people are milling around all over the place, helping get cows, calves, and goats off trailers and into stalls....the more hands the better, I guess. No one seemed to care who did what. Gotta know I love that....gimme laid back and loose any day, everyday!
Some time mid-afternoon, we took a break and headed up the road north to check out a couple of antiques places. It was a tad bittersweet for me, since these places seem to be pretty proud of their junk....I mean antiques.
What was even more interesting was that I saw 3-4 people working at the antiques place that I had just seen at the I knew how dirt cheap they had gotten stuff! least on that particular day I saw a great sign hung up in one booth. It read: "I buy junk, but I sell antiques".....uh-huh. Yep. Nailed it. At least someone in those places admits it. Ha! Although I shouldn't laugh too much....I'm ready to become one of these junk/antiques sellers myself!
So, then it was back to the auction to see if they'd started selling animals yet. Believe it or not, all those boxes and crates there contained chickens, ducks, baby chicks, and all shapes, sizes, and colors. Don't ask me how they got through all these critters in one day! And this is after hours of auctioning off the furniture, bath tubs, old pots and pans, yard sale stuff, tea cups and dishes, toys, name it. But I'm tellin' ya, by 7 p.m. everything was g-o-n-e....gone! And I'm very pleased to say that we made out pretty well with what we sold off. Sure beats doing a yard sale. I'm hooked! And tomorrow I'll show you what we couldn't resist bringing home! : D