Sunday, July 1, 2012

Diamond C Ranch

My brother Clint's daughter, Angelina, has been taking riding lessons at Martin's Diamond C Ranch for a couple of years now....and my! how her confidence and knowledge has grown! She's gone from being too scared to even touch a horse to now grooming, picking out the hooves, tacking up and riding with ease! 

Martin helps Angelina get ready for some ground work exercises...

A nice shady spot to relax out of the summer heat!

Watching Angelina go through her ground work exercises for the upcoming horse show she entered for Saturday....

The pony says...get me in the picture, too!

The quintessential Texas Ranchstyle house....built back in the late 1960's or early '70's...this house was already here when our family built our home in 1971.

This ranch is located just two 'doors' down from my parent's homestead house where I grew up. Martin was raised on a ranch in British Columbia and has lived out west along the Pacific coast in Washington and California before settling here in Lucas, TX. What really fascinated me, however, was to learn that he got his degree in performing arts and is, of all things, a trained and talented opera singer. How's that for a singin' cowboy!! : D

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